If you are being investigated or prosecuted by the Insolvency Service in connection with alleged offences arising out of an insolvency event then hire solicitors with experience and success in defending insolvency prosecutions. Simon Burn Solicitors are one of the very few firms that can say this. We understand that any interaction with the criminal justice system is stressful and worrying. We use our expertise and skill to help you through the process.
When a company becomes insolvent the actions of its directors are subject to detailed investigation by the liquidator and often the Insolvency Service. There has been an increase in recent years in criminal investigations and prosecutions following an insolvency event.
The offences which can be investigated and prosecuted include offences under the Companies Act 2006 (such as a failure to maintain or deliver up books and records), The Insolvency Act 1986 (such as removing assets in advance of liquidation), the Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (such as a director acting in breach of a disqualification order) and various other offences such including fraud and money laundering.
A successful prosecution can give rise to applications for confiscation orders under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. A number of insolvency related offences also can result in custodial offences.
When being investigated or prosecuted for insolvency offences many people feel that their usual solicitor does not have the experience or expertise to match that of the Insolvency Service or prosecuting authority.
At Simon Burn Solicitors we have a depth of experience and expertise in assisting clients facing insolvency related criminal investigations and fighting prosecutions and applications for confiscation orders. Few other law firms have the depth and expertise that we have in contested criminal insolvency cases and few can offer the reassurance that we can.
All of our criminal cases are directly managed by our founding Partner Simon Burn who has over 20 years experience of defending insolvency prosecutions.
If you are the subject of an investigation or have been charged with any offences arising out of an insolvency and want to be represented by solicitors who have experience of dealing with insolvency related criminal offences, contact us as soon as possible and we will do our best to protect you, help you and get the right outcome for you. The sooner you contact us the sooner we can turn the tables in your favour.
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T: 01242 228 444 (Cheltenham)
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This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA No. 516917
T: 01242 228 444 (Cheltenham)
T: 0121 371 0301 (Birmingham)
This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA No. 516917
Simon Burn
Simon Burn
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